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Muay Thai Fight on April 16th, 2011
Meredith Moon was the only fighter fighting for Furnace Gym that night.  Chris Stovall had 3 fighters bail on him due to his height and skill level.  Chris was unable to show his stuff for the 4th time in the state of Texas.  However, Meredith Moon was able to fight, but under extreme circumstances.  Her original fighter (at 130lbs) bailed for unknown reasons, while her new fight was planned at 135lbs.  At the weigh ins her fighter came in nearly 10lbs above her weight and ended up making the cut to the difference.  With her new opponent having weighed in at 141lbs, and having much more experience, Meredith still took the fight in true warrior fashion.

We don't fight to just win, we fight to become better warriors, and Meredith did just that.

Good Job Meredith!!!

Furnace Gym Phone: 817-308-7545


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